L'Association des M?decins d'Asie, AMDA, fond?e en 1984

De Directeur G?n?ral AMDA, Takako Narisawa (en anglais)

I was formally inaugurated as Chairperson of Board and Managing Director of AMDA on November 11 2013. We are now where we stand because of the people who has supported AMDA including more than 1,000 dispatched personnel in and out of Japan.

AMDA received consultative status with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as the 137th NPO in the world and the first in Japan since 2006. And this was the result of tremendous efforts taken by many supporters and personnel though I was only there by chance.
We will keep proposing peace to the world for the happiness of the people in difficult environment since we believe it is the honorable responsibility of AMDA as a NGO recognized by UN.

As AMDA reached its’ 30th anniversary, we now think that one of our main roles is to provide opportunity for young people to have practical experience in and out of Japan through our project site in order to grow strong. For that, we appreciate your kind and continuous support and guidance.

Yours Sincerely
Managing Director, Takako Narisawa